Interior designer or interior decorator - how to choose?

Choosing the right specialist is the fundamental aspect of the project's success. However, some terms in the industry may be quite confusing. Today, we break down the concepts of interior designer and interior decorator. Check the differences between these two professions to understand which specialist you need!

Planning the restoration project on your own can be challenging, particularly if you lack interior design experience. Even if combining colours and patterns comes easily to you, making the whole space as good-looking and functional as possible requires much more. 

The interior design skills are a result of education, constantly updated knowledge, and experience. To create a space that meets your needs and makes you feel good, it's better to recourse to professional support. You know what you need - but the interior designer knows how to satisfy these needs. The same goes for your vision - if you have it, a good professional will put it into practice.

When searching for interior design services, you may encounter the offers of specialists with two different titles. Often, interior decorators offer their services at a much lower cost than interior designers. Where's the catch? Well, the specifics of each specialist's work differ. It's worth knowing the difference between the interior designer and the interior decorator to know what to expect from the person you hire.

Who is an interior designer?

Interior designers are the professionals that approach creating the space holistically. Through the research and expertise on-site, they create a general concept that meets the client's needs and looks beautiful at the same time. Interior designers are usually formally educated, holding a university degree in the appropriate field. Often, they work in close collaboration with the architects to maintain the highest level of coherency.

 Interior designer or interior decorator - how to choose? 

What can you expect from an interior designer?

Reliable interior designers carry out expertise and interview you before even planning the project. This way, they can make sure that their design fulfils its goals. The scope of their duties may also include:

  • preparing visualizations
  • planning the space
  • adjusting the layout to your needs
  • choosing colour palette
  • choosing furniture
  • selecting decorations

If the current design of your space affects its functionality in a negative way, using the services of a professional interior designer will be a perfect choice.

Who is an interior decorator?

Interior decorators take care of the aesthetical aspect of the space. Their job is to make all the elements of the design go well together. This kind of work doesn't really require professional training - however, sometimes the interior decorators hold diplomas and certificates obtained through the courses. It's worth verifying it before launching cooperation to make sure that the decorator has the right competencies.

It's not uncommon that the house painters take over the role of an interior decorator, too. If the team feels competent enough, why not trying out its ideas! Its members can advise you not only on the choice of materials but also the colour palette and the choice of textures. 

What can you expect from an interior decorator?

The interior decorator most likely won't prepare a visualization for you. However, you can expect an interview before heading to the design phase. The person you hire should get familiar with your aesthetical preferences in order to be able to create something that matches your expectations. It's a creative job - however, its effect should be a match with your vision. A skilful interior decorator should be a mediator that provides your ideas with the best execution possible.

The duties of the interior decorator may include:

  • choosing the colour palette
  • choosing the textures
  • selecting the furniture
  • selecting the accessories
  • taking care of the lighting

So, in general, managing the aesthetics.

Who should I hire?

That depends on your needs and budget. The services of the interior decorator will most likely be cheaper but less complex. Hiring an interior designer may be pricier, but you can count on a holistic approach with a big emphasis on functionality.