How to add value to your home by painting and decorating

The value of the house depends on many factors, including its interior design. If you want to elevate it, we have prepared some tips that will help you achieve that effect at a reasonable cost.

There are many ways you can invest your money - but investing in your house or apartment is always the safest choice. The restoration always adds value, but it has to be done thoughtfully. Bad selection of materials and colours can generate costs without any tangible benefits. That is why it is worth reaching out for professional advice. Being experienced painters and decorators, we can provide you with tips that will make your real estate's market value skyrocket. All without spending too much!

#1 Brighten up the space with neutral colours

The bold colours are back in interior design - just take a look at 2022 Pantone's colour of the year, Very Peri, which has replaced the ultimate grey. The rigorous minimalism is no longer a dominating aesthetic. Carmine, indigo, bottle-green, millennial pink, navy blue - the top shades of the last seasons prove that we really have fallen for the colour again.

However, when it comes to increasing value, it is better to stick to neutral colours. That is because they will appeal to anyone, regardless of their aesthetical preferences. Or rather, they will not make anyone reject the offer, which is more likely to happen in colour-saturated interiors. Also, white, black, and neutral beige do not ever become out of fashion, so you will not have to redecorate the interiors in the next few seasons. If you do not want to stick to white and beige, consider choosing wall paint in a very pale but warm green (sage or olive). It is classy and eye-catching, but it goes well with everything and still can be considered neutral.

#2 Make the house look fresh...but not too fresh!

Freshly painted interiors may give the potential investors the impression that you have something to hide. If you live in a humid area, they may assume that you have cut corners to get rid of the mould and painted the walls last minute. This practice is unfortunately quite common, especially among rental agencies. Thus, it is understandable that the potential customers may get suspicious.

How to add value to your home by painting and decorating

#3 Win with the first impression

The first impression is everything - also in real estate. If you want to add value to your house, start with the things visible at first sight. It is always worth paying attention to the details - such an approach pays itself! The visitors may not notice them at first glance but their overall impression of your house or apartment will be a hundred times better.

What should you do aside from repainting walls, doors, and windows? Look around and verify the elements that put everything together. The strips should be lined up and properly covered with paint, without stains and irregularities. If you are putting tiles on the wall, do not let the grout leak on their surface and wash them thoroughly after the job is done.

Sound like a lot? For experienced painters and decorators, these things are obvious - they will refine your interiors to the smallest detail. It is also essential to hide all the cables. The visible elements of the electric installation can undo all your efforts, making the house look unfinished and reducing its value.

#4 Don't overlook the importance of windows

Impeccable condition of walls is essential, but do not forget about windows - the potential buyers will pay attention to them. Not only should you make sure that they are perfectly painted and fitted to the smallest detail, but also verify whether they are airtight. Draughty windows are a red flag for any client. They can seriously deteriorate the value of the house or apartment.

If there is one investment that will bring you a guaranteed return, it is introducing double-glazed glass. Particularly in the British climate, double glazing is an asset since it improves thermal insulation and prevents humidity from entering inside. Our experienced painters and decorators in London can help you with all these aspects, maximizing the real estate value. Whether you need a full-blown metamorphosis of the interiors or minor changes, we are here to help!